Everyone likes to look at people with a bright and white smile. Teeth naturally become more yellow with age, and certain foods and health conditions can speed up the process. Dental bleaching can make your teeth several shades whiter in just one visit to your dentist. It is even possible to get them whiter than your natural teeth.

Get Fast Results

Although products that will make your teeth whiter are available at the store, you can obtain much faster results at the dentist’s office. This gives you the opportunity to get the white teeth you want in just one visit, which will often last only one hour. As might be expected, stores cannot sell teeth whitening products at the same strength that the dentist uses.

Why Teeth Change Color

Many things can change the color of your teeth. Most people already know that tobacco will do it, but other things enter into the picture, too. Things like age, food and drinks (such as red wine), some medications, and trauma to your teeth, can all affect the color. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments can also make your teeth darker.

At the Dentist’s Office

The dentist will use a stronger form of bleach for teeth whitening. This is often called “chairside bleaching.” Precautions are given to protect your gums, such as placing a gel on them, or by using a rubber shield. Then the bleach product will be applied. A light may or may not be used. This tends to speed up the process with some products, giving you even better results.

Kits to Use at Home

You can also get special tooth whitening kits from your dentist. They use a stronger product than you can get at the store, which will produce better results than store products. The product will usually be applied in trays that look like mouth guards and they will need to stay on your teeth for about an hour each time. This method will require multiple applications to get the desired results.

What to Expect

Because the cause of your discoloration will vary, the results will also vary. Some teeth may not change much in color, but others may become drastically brighter – by seven shades or more at the dentist’s office. In some cases, the dentist may ask you to return for further treatment.

Before doing any tooth whitening on your own, it is a good idea to check with a dentist first. Some problems with your teeth may cause some problems, such as having teeth that are cracked, gaps in your fillings, etc. You also need to know that the process will not work on veneers, bridges, crowns, fillings, or on teeth that are stained deeply.

The dentists at Amazing Smile Dental NY, will be glad to talk to you about teeth whitening for your whiter smile. This method can help you get the beautiful smile you have always wanted. We offer many dental services for the whole family. We are located in the Forest Hills area of Queens, New York. Call us today at (718) 674-6478 to make an appointment.